I was sick of hearing about this famed couple shortly after I moved here. They were living in Spain, David Beckham playing for Real Madrid. Victoria "Posh" Beckham is plastered over every magazine in print over here as if she actually contributes something to society by wearing a different Gucci ski suit in every snap of their weekend ski trip. Her Spice Girls past and marriage to the soccer hero seem to have earned her some sort of invinceablity status. Barf. Then David Beckham announced he was signing a contract with the LA Galaxy and the couple were on their way to the Hills. Yay for them. This dominated news here for the few weeks surrounding the announcement. I'm not kidding. It was the headline, the lead story and the biggest use of ink. Part of David's announcement included his excitement to "bring football to the kids in America." Double barf.
This is probably the reason I'm the most irritated by this whole saga. It's not the obvious cry for attention by yet more rich people who aren't content enough with their current riches and fame. It's not the fact that I speculate this was more so that Victoria Beckham could rub noses with the Hollywood elite and have better shopping than a career move for her husband. It's all those things under the thin veil of martyrdom David Beckham uses by pretending to be some sort of soccer missionary. Reporters glommed onto this idea that David Beckham would be "educating" the American public by putting a more recognizable face on soccer, which is, outside America, the most popular sport in the world. The thing is, what they failed to distinguish in any of these "news" reports was that probably more American children play soccer than in any other country in the world. It's professional soccer that never took off. I'm pretty sure the infamous title of "Soccer Mom" wasn't an arbitrary moniker, and it doesn't refer to the likes of Victoria Beckham. And after watching enough scenes of how professional soccer fans act like gangs and delight in beating the crap out of each other just because of who they support, it's no wonder the fervor hasn't spread to the states. (And thank goodness, in a country where the president of the NRA may as well be a cabinet position.)
I recognize David Beckham's (I refuse to refer to him by his cutesy nickname of "Becks") athletic ability. But I really don't want to hear him wax philosophical about his move. If there's anything that obviously motivates this family, it's money. Moving back to his partner, my cynicism tells me that the latest announcement that the Spice Girls are reuniting is conveniently timed with Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham's move to a place that has evolved from 1996 far enough that they would need a reminder as to who she is. That's right, America, if you didn't already know, the Spice Girls are getting back together! Contain your excitement!!
Did I mention "barf" yet?
America needs the Beckhams like they need a few more Paris Hiltons. For the first time, in one of the lead stories about the couple's move, the reporter actually acknowledged that Americans do enjoy a number of their own professional sports already. Wow! What an epiphany! Too bad the story (which included nothing new) had to take top billing instead of the actual world events that had taken place that day (the plane crash in Brazil among them). So much for priorities. I only hope that maybe the move means I'll have to hear less about them over here. However, given that one of the favorite story angles over here is how "so-and-so" went to LA and made it, I have a feeling this is just the beginning...